
Portraits of worker avatars in the virtual environment of Second Life (escorts, nurses, etc) depicts the new virtual workforce.

A commission for the Whitney Museum Artport that enables users to meditate on the economy from the Whitney’s homepage.

An interactive sonic sculpture that evaluates and diagnoses citizen responses to socio-economic conditions resulting from the global economic meltdown.

Online instructional training for getting that dream job in the video game industry. Uses motion detection!

An augmented reality mobile walking tour exploring the utopianism of the New York World’s Fairs and their impact on Queens, NY.

A participatory radio performance that transforms the city streets into a laboratory for experiments in subliminal communication.

A hands-on workshop employing models of waste reclamation, recycling and reuse by hacking old keyboards and so-called junk.

A public performance merging opera with the ancient art of dowsing to regain our sentience lost to ubiquitous mobile devices.

The workshop introduced the basic principles of divination and concluded with an evening field expedition throughout lower Manhattan.

An underwater, telematic performance about geographic dislocation and gentrification.